10 песо — Закон от 14 августа 1935 г., Уругвай, 1940 г.

10 песо — Закон от 14 августа 1935 г., Уругвай, 1940 г.


Аллегория "Суверенитет" слева, номинал в центре, область герба и водяного знака справа.


Репродукция картины Хуана Мануэля Бланеса "Juramento de los Treinta y Tres" ("Клятва тридцати трех").


ND (1940) 
тираж 14.3 млн.
P# 30a; ROT R# 9.V.1
ND (1940) 
P# 30a; ROT R# 9.V.2 (Variant: Change of authority: signed by Vicepresident instead of President; ammended "Vice" over "El"=correction of "El Presidente" to "Vicepresidente")
ND (1940) 
P# 30a; ROT R# 9.V.3 (Variant: change of authority: signed again by new President)
ND (1940) 
P# 30a; ROT R# 9.V.4 (Variant: change of authority: Signed by Vicepresident instead of President, overprinted "Vicepresidente")
ND (1940) 
P# 30a; ROT R# 9.V.5 (Variant: change of authority: Vicente F. Costa changes title to President)
ND (1940) 
P# 30a; ROT R# 9.V.6 (Variant: change of all authorities, increased to 3; Government Delegate is replaced by General Manager and General Secretary)
ND (1940) 
P# 30a; ROT R# 9.V.7 (Variant: Change of authorities: General Manager and General Secretary; this one as "El Secretario")
ND (1940) 
P# 30b; ROT R# 9.V. 8 (Variant: no printed titles, all are overprinted)
ND (1940) 
P# 30b; ROT R# 9.V. 9 (Variant: change of authority: signed by Vicepresident instead of President, all titles are overprinted, serial # has 7 digits)
ND (1940) 
P# 30b; ROT R# 9.V.10 (Variant: serial # has 8 digits)
ND (1940) 
P# 30b; ROT R# 9.V.11 (Variant: change of authority: Vicepresident)
ND (1940) 
p# 30b; ROT R# 9.V.12 (Variant: change of authority, again signed by President)
ND (1940) 
P# 30b; ROT R# 9.V.13 (Variant: "El Presidente" title is missing)
ND (1940) 
P# 30b; ROT R# 9.V.14 (Variant: "El Presidente" title is showing again) This variant is the same as on ROT R# 9.V.12